Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Abstinence Edition

I picked up these bracelets at the teen abstinence booth at a Texarkana street fair:

I know they're hard to read, but the pink (presumably the girl's) says "Worth Waiting For" and the blue (presumably the boy's) says "A Man's Strength is in his Character." The parallelist and reductionist in me was troubled by the message that a man's value is in character and a woman's is in va-jay-jay. But, after learning that Merriam-Webster defines "character" as not just "moral excellence," but also "firmness," I see the connection.
Anyway, the bracelets inspired me this evening to create an abstinence tableau, with bracelets, Marilyn Chambers-autographed Behind the Green Door, and Japanese-import-Hello Kitty vibrator:
My kind of abstinence!

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